BID3 Publications

The BID3 model has been used extensively by both our clients and by AFRY to carry out a wide range of studies investigating the future of the energy system.

Have a browse of the publications below to find out what is possible with the most powerful energy market model!

Client studies

AFRY studies

Poyry Management Consulting (now AFRY) studies

  • Cheaper and greener

    Cheaper and greener: How renewable energy will deliver low-cost power to Irish homes and businesses

    Wind and solar power have never offered better value to consumers. In recent years, costs have fallen significantly, driven by (amongst other factors): efficiencies in the supply chain and technological improvements. In this report, we use BID3 to investigate how increasing investment in renewables in Ireland can lead to benefits for consumers

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  • NPD

    Norwegian Petroleum and Energy Ministry: Market prices and framework conditions for market players Northern Europe

    End-user prices and future developments in the power market were assessed by AFRY (formerly Pöyry Management Consulting) using the BID3 model

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  • Tipping Points

    Tipping Points: How falling technology costs and retail tariffs will shape the electricity system

    Pöyry has carried out a major multi-client study to investigate how the rapidly falling costs of renewables and batteries could transform the power sector. This study involved radical developments to BID3 to optimise both the wholesale and retail markets as a bi-level optimisation

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  • asdfasdf

    The value of within-day flexibility in the GB electricity market

    This major multi-client study used BID3 to investigate how within-day flexibility may increase in the future given rising renewables, and which technologies are set to benefit most

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  • Fully decarbonising Euro's energy system by 2050

    Fully decarbonising Europe’s energy system by 2050

    Using the BID3 Auto Build module, this study investigates the key question: “How can a fully decarbonised energy sector be achieved and what are the risks of precluding options in favour of certain technologies?”

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  • Backcasting the BM

    Backcasting the GB Balancing Mechanism with BID3

    Backcasting, the comparison of modelled outputs to historical outturn values, is a wellestablished method of testing the performance of models. National Grid ESO and AFRY have worked together to undertake such an exercise with BID3, using the SO’s knowledge and understanding of the Balancing Mechanism and Pöyry’s expertise in BID3 modelling and backcasting.

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  • Ofgem CBA

    Near-term Interconnector Cost-Benefit Analysis for Ofgem

    Poyry Management Consulting was commissioned by Ofgem to provide the cost-benefit analysis for interconnectors applying for the regime in the second window, using modelling work based on BID3

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