BID3 is AFRY’s power market dispatch model that uses advanced mathematical techniques to model the dispatch of power stations, market prices, capacity evolution, and all other important features of power markets. BID3 is used in many power markets worldwide, including the European network along with South America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East. BID3 is available to purchase, and is used by generators, regulators and TSOs on a daily basis.
BID3 continues to be at the cutting edge of power market modelling. Whether it is the challenges posed by intermittent renewables, the need to find the value of flexibility or understanding the impact of market design changes, BID3 provides the detailed modelling tools needed.
The model not only comes with AFRY’s own datasets, but also with support provided by our power market experts. BID3 is highly flexible and user feedback consistently highlights the ease-of-use and accuracy of the model.
The BID3 modelling suite is used to support analysis and quantification over wide timeframes; from short-term trading support with live data feeds to strategic scenario analysis out to 2050 for decarbonisation targets.
BID3 is used extensively to underpin AFRY’s own analysis, thought leadership and deep analysis of electricity markets. It is the modelling platform used for the Independent Market Reports, giving the power price projections used by major banks, utilities, governments and developers.
Understand how a rapidly decarbonising future will
play out in power markets.
For further information, please download the PDF version of our brochure or Contact us
The methodology and quality of BID3 has been successfully peer-reviewed by some of the leading academics in the field of power market economics
Last Published: 06-Feb-2025