German grid development plan: Netzentwicklungsplan (NEP)

The long-term planning of German electricity network is carried out with BID3 performing a key role to carry out the market simulations

  • The Grid Development Plan 2021 deals with the expansion requirements of the German onshore energy transportation network and is based on the legal requirements as stipulated by the German Energy Management Act (Section 12a-d). The transmission system operators are planning, developing and building the grid of the future and the NEP2019 is used to show how power generation in Germany can successfully be restructured and renewable energy can be integrated within ten and twenty years.
    Following the ruling of the German Bundestag in August 2011, the transmission system operators have been tasked with compiling a plan for the development of the transmission network every two years to allow for changing conditions in the energy industry. The result of all this work is the
    To carry out the NEP2019, simulations of the market and of the transmission network are required, and the transmission system operators run the simulation of a series of scenarios of the European market for the NEP2019, using Pöyry’s bespoke market model called BID3.
    This document gives an overview of BID3 and expands upon the details laid out in the Grid Development Plan report.

The German TSOs publish a good overview of the entire process here:

German grid development plan (Netzentwicklungsplan) External link.

An overview of the use of BID3 in the NEP is also published here:

Overview of BID3 in the NEP External link.