Always wanted to be OP in BID3? The 2023.2 release has dropped, OMG!

While tech billionaires are almost fighting for your next social media app 🤦, our BID3 development team quietly took on a challenge for this exceptional release of 2023.2 (BID3 for the win!).

We didn’t even consider spending billions on renaming as BIDX, or even just X, but got on and improved form and function with the 2023.2 release.

IMHO, BID3 users deserve more than mad posts to gain followers, so we brought a flurry of features and a radically redesigned start page IRL! So now you have:

  • User-defined constraints​: Now you can be the OP by setting your own constraints; whether to limit thermal generation with demand or customise the inputs and outputs.
  • Improved Auto Build eligibility selection:​ Probe capacities are OUT and start-end Auto Build eligibility years are IN.
  • Fuel prices and monthly period group outputs: Hourly or daily fuel prices direct outputs, we got you covered.
  • Delete outputs progress message: That feeling when you hit delete and not sure on progress… now you know.
  • New start page​: The team has crushed it with this new design đź’“! The new, extended start screen now includes all features that are available from the ribbon​. The flowchart layout helps with finding the correct form that you're looking for, handy for noobs and pros alike out there.

TL;DR, head to the BID3 Portal to download the new release and watch webinar (coming soon) recording!
