A..B..C … it’s easy as BID3: Renaming the Constraints module

Many of the regular users of BID3 may have spotted that not only do BID3 and creativity (almost) rhyme, but the naming of the BID3 modules does have a simple melody: A for Autobuild, B for Banding, C is for Constraints and D is for Dispatch. That’s BID3’s Do Re Mi!

Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough

However, we’ve long struggled with “C”, as the Constraints module is really about annual constraints (such as hydro and fuel contracts) but annual begins with an “A”. Equally there are many thousands of constraints in all the modules, not just in the Constraints. For far too long, the naming of Constraints (module) and constraints (parameters) in BID3 led to a string of mix-ups.

Don’t Blame It on the BID3-boogie

But how to choose a new module name? Well we asked the development team for their suggestions, and following an unprecedented use of the thesaurus we took inspiration from the Top 40 singles charts…

Comprehensive and Compressed were climbing the charts quickly before getting disqualified. Some creative suggestions involved bending English slightly: such as Quick module, or Kangaroo module. An early and popular entry was Chronology Constraints, whilst Characterised Constraints gained in popularity.

But topping the chart and knocking out all rivals with a remixed old favourite: Calendar Constraints!

BID3 Is Coming To Town

As a result, we’re pleased to announce a transition to the new module name Calendar Constraints in the next release of BID3.

That’s as easy as counting up to 3

singing simple melodies

as easy as BID3 can be!

(with profuse apologies to the Jackson 5)
