The user forum saw the BID3 users and developers together in person for the first time since before the pandemic, and we took that chance not only to explore the electricity markets on Atlantis, but also visit some of sights and inspirations behind CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia in Oxford.
It wasn’t all Norsk mythology and fantasy novels though, as we got up-close and personal with BID3 and its various applications from around the globe:
Of course, having it in-person meant that we were able to dig deep in BID3 world where our experts demonstrated how to generate solar and wind profiles. We presented our BID3 development roadmap, and gauged the appetite for new features for the user section of the recently redesigned BID3 Portal.
A guided tour of Oxford at the end of the first day provided our visitors a unique view of the University of Oxford with all its rich history and peculiarities. One highlight of the tour was the lamp-post that inspired Narnia, and wooden carvings of Aslan and Mr. Tumnus.
All our users will have access to video recordings of the session and the presentations exclusively on the BID3 Portal. We are already gathering ideas for the next user forum, so whether we opt for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader or Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, BID3 will be there!
Alex Blanckley (Principal - AFRY MCD) presenting a session on energy storage
Tour of Oxford city
Carvings of Aslan and Mr. Tumnus, and lamp post that inspired C. S. Lewis